Sunday, 23 March 2014

Motivational Monday | Week One

Merry Monday! Well, almost..

We came across this quote and thought it was apt for those suffering from Monday morning blues!

A Monday is the perfect opportunity to turn over a new leaf, take advantage of it to do something you’ve always wanted to do! Perhaps you want to learn how to play an instrument, talk to family more or be more organised, a Monday is a clean slate, a chance to draw a line under the previous week and start again.

It’s easy to see Monday as a daunting prospect; a new week, more work, the rat race- but guess what?  It doesn’t have to be that way! Take a deep breath and follow these simple steps.

STEP ONE – make a list of all the things you need to do and spread the tasks across the week to ensure minimal stress! Making a list also allows you to meet goals every day and let’s be honest, getting things done on time and meeting deadlines is definitely a morale boost! Small and manageable tasks ensure that you are not overwhelmed with everything you have to do and allows you to feel good about yourself when you get them done!

STEP TWO – take time for yourself, have a bubble bath or read a book; this counts not just for a Monday but every day! Take time out of your day to question how you feel, if you don’t feel as happy and as productive as you could do, why? What could you do to help yourself? A simple relaxation method that I enjoy is using a website called ‘’. This allows you to take 5-20 minutes out of your day to reflect and relax, this is a perfect activity for a Sunday night before bed to ensure you are calm and stress-free.

Have you enjoyed this blog post? If so let us know! Would you like to see more of ‘Motivational Mondays’?  

Have a great week everyone!

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